Low Grade Inflammation Test

Low Grade Inflammation Test (hs-CRP) This test is designed to measure a very specific inflammatory marker known as CRP  (C Reactive Protein). This new test is a specialist “high sensitivity” version of the standard inflammation test and is referred to … Continued

Should women be entitled to period leave?

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When Bristol-based Coexist, introduced a policy under which female workers, will be allowed to call in sick when they are menstruating, Journalist Arlene Harris asked me to contribute to an article she was writing for the Irish Examiner on how … Continued

Food Intolerance V’s Food Allergy

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Client’s often mix up food intolerance (or food sensitivity) and food allergy.  However food allergies and food intolerance’s are very different.  In general a food allergy is tested in a hospital or by your GP. The main differences are Food … Continued