
Yvonne spent 5 years in and out of hospital.  She had numerous OCG’s & biopsies, was vomiting and on ten tablets a day and injecting herself just to prevent being admitted to hospital.  She was 34 and in her words had “no quality of life”. Read her incredible transformation here


Linda was my first client.  She suffered with Fibromyalgia for 13 years.  I knew after healing my own Fibromyalgia that I could help but was unsure just how much.  Within a matter of weeks Linda noticed a difference in her pain and energy!  Read her fantastic testimonial!  Read more


Lavina came to me in 2013, 5 years after her pain started.  In a matter of a few weeks, her pain levels had gone from a 9 to a 4. “I went back to Fiona, feeling so much better, looking so much better and practically pain free, I was amazed and so so grateful”  Read more


4 years later, Ellen still blamed childbirth for her back pain and her inability to play with her son as she would like.  Little did she realise the pain was partially due to the constipation she now suffered with due to a wheat intolerance.  Read her journey and how she is not only pain free but has much more energy!