Love it or hate it, Christmas can be a very stressful time of the year for both the body and mind. We get caught up in a flurry of parties and shopping and are swept away on a festive high. We’ve spent all year carefully watching what we eat, but how can we resist overindulging when there is so much temptation?
Here are a few tips to get you nutritionally and emotionally through the rollercoaster month of December!
Christmas Nights Out
There’s no getting away from the tins of biscuits, boxes of chocolates and party food everywhere you turn this month, so try these simple tips to keep you looking and feeling as great when you leave, as when you arrived.
- Eat before you go. That way you don’t arrive ravenous and eat all around you.
- Bring your own! Hummus & crudités are great for a party and a welcomed alternative for everyone. Unsalted nuts are tasty and highly nutritious providing essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium & zinc.
- If you are tempted by the foods on offer, avoid anything deep fried and bite size nibbles such as sausage rolls and cheese balls – the calories soon mount up.
- Alcohol dehydrates you, so if you plan to consume alcohol, drink plenty of water. Alternating between alcohol and water when you’re having a drink or two will prevent you from drinking too much, too quickly and will also reduce your risk of a hangover the next day. Holding two drinks (one being water!!) will also help avoid the temptation of nibbling as your hands will be full!
- Coconut water is great for re-hydrating the body too.
- Make healthier choices on the cheese board and opt for goat’s cheese, red leicester or cheddar, rather than brie or camembert. Choose water biscuits, breadsticks or crisp breads over french stick and crackers.
- Digestive enzymes are great for helping your digestion when you’ve eaten too much or feel like your food is just sitting in your stomach. Ask your local health store for more information.
Overdid It?
Ok so your good intentions of “going for one” ended badly and now you have to pay the price with a pounding head. The key is re-hydration and eating healthily despite the cravings for carbs which is just your body struggling for energy!
- Start the day with hot water & lemon and drink plenty of water, (coconut or regular) and herbal teas throughout the day.
- Follow on with a healthy breakfast like scrambled eggs on wholegrain toast or porridge with berries and a sprinkling of milled nuts & seeds. If you cant stomach food, why not try my cucumber detox juice, berry & chia smoothie or the delicious avocado, kale & pineapple juice (trust me, you wont taste the kale but you will get all the benefits!)
- Try sipping peppermint tea – this can help counteract acidity you may feel and help relieve abdominal bloating
- Don’t be tempted by the “hair of the dog”, it doesn’t cure a hangover, it just prolongs it until the next day!
- Increasing your vitamin C intake can naturally help a hangover.
- Our ability to detox reduces as we age, which means we are more likely to suffer with a hangover after a smaller amount of alcohol. A course of Milk Thistle is thought to help protect the liver from poisonous toxins as well as boost the regrowth of liver cells to replace those damaged by disease or toxic substances such as alcohol.
The combination of richer foods, larger quantities and the emotional stresses Christmas can bring can have a huge impact on our digestive system. While Christmas has become synonymous with catching up with friends and loved ones, eating out and trying different foods, the last thing you want on your night out is to suffer the uncomfortable and often embarrassing side effects of indigestion.
Click here for some tips to ensure you don’t have the leave the party early because of an upset stomach!
Overwhelming Fatigue
If endless partying, shopping and tying up all those loose ends at work have quickly depleted your natural energy stores. Follow these simple but effective tips to recharge your batteries and start the New Year with a bang!
Whatever you do this Christmas, make it a great one.
Be silly, dance, giggle and most importantly have fun!
A few useful articles to keep for January!