Low Grade Inflammation Test

Low Grade Inflammation Test (hs-CRP)

This test is designed to measure a very specific inflammatory marker known as CRP  (C Reactive Protein). This new test is a specialist “high sensitivity” version of the standard inflammation test and is referred to as hs-CRP. It will accurately measure your low grade inflammation status. High levels of this type of inflammation are associated with the conditions listed.

The test will grade your risk as:


Grade 1 < 0.5 mg / L Optimum Level
Grade 2 0.5 – 1.0 mg / L Low Risk
Grade 3 1.1 – 3.0 mg / L Moderate Risk
Grade 4 > 3.0 mg / L High Risk


Everyone should strive for optimum CRP levels of Grade 1

All that is required is a small finger-prick sample of blood to do the analysis.  The Low Grade Inflammation Test costs just €65.


GET THIS TEST FOR FREE with every 200 FoodTest purchased

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Do you know low grade inflammation is associated with conditions such as:


  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Some colon cancers
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity 



What Is Inflammation?


While inflammation is an important part of the body’s healing process, chronic inflammation is not and is at the root of many deadly diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, alzheimers, arthritis and more.


What Causes Inflammation?

Several factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, all play a role in the causation of low grade inflammation. Diet, and in particular food intolerance appears to play a crucial role. A recently published scientific study (1) states that “low grade inflammation is strongly associated with food intolerance”.


(1) IgG antibodies against food antigens are correlated with inflammation and intima media thickness in obese juveniles. Wilders-Truschnig M1, Mangge H, Lieners C, Gruber H, Mayer C, März W.   Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2008 Apr;116(4):241-5. Epub 2007 Dec 10. PubMed