Work Out The Menopause
I was delighted to be asked to contribute to an article in the Irish Independent Health Supplement in August on the menopause and how nutrition can help. Here is my contribution…
I was delighted to be asked to contribute to an article in the Irish Independent Health Supplement in August on the menopause and how nutrition can help. Here is my contribution…
I was delighted when Dublin City FM invited me in to discuss my journey of hell to health after healing my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain through nutrition.
September 2016 Following the Governments latest Obesity Plan, KFM invited me into the studio to discuss obesity and what we can do to avoid becoming the fattest country in Europe by 2030. With one in four children and 60% of … Continued
I was delighted when the Kildare Post ran an article about how nutrition healed my chronic pain and fibromyalgia. To think simple changes to your diet can change your life so dramatically, at times, is hard to believe, but it … Continued
This was the first newspaper that published my journey from a life of hell to health. Suffering nearly 7 years with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, I really thought my life was over. I overlooked the journey I had taken, so … Continued
An article The Herald asked me to contribute to, on how to stay as stress free as possible with school runs, children and running a business.