We Tried For 8 Years For Our Second Child

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Gillian had her first baby in 2003 and just presumed it would be as easy the second time around.  When their daughter was a year old they decided to try for another baby.  Unfortunately after a year of trying, herself and her husband were referred to a fertility clinic in The Coombe. After 6 months of tests, they were given the heart breaking news they had second child infertility but to just keep trying!! “We spent many years and a lot of money on alternative treatments. “We went to an acupuncturist specialising in fertility every Sunday for 6/8 months. On one of the sessions the girl said we might be successful and suggested we buy a baby outfit or toy and hope for the best.  I was convinced I was pregnant and bought a sleep-suit, soothers and pregnancy tests”.  Gillian sadly wasn’t successful.

Over the years Gillian and her husband tried reflexology, reiki healing and even tried a healer to see if that would work!! “Fortunately I have a very patient husband who was open to trying anything I suggested” recalls Gillian.

In 2010, they went to Clane fertility hospital and after 1 failed IUI was given the devastating news that she was too fertile.  After producing 5 huge eggs, she was told the risk of multiple births was too high. “That for me was the hardest and there was lots of tears as I really believed it was my last option, we could have continued but I felt maybe it just wasn’t meant to be!!”  They eventually gave up and resigned themselves to the fact that they were blessed with one amazing and healthy girl.

Gillian came to me in September 2013 because she felt bloated and was finding it hard to lose 10lbs even though she was exercising and running regularly.  “Fiona was amazing. I loved her positive approach.  It wasn’t like going to weight watchers or slimming world where you felt guilty if you had a biscuit or glass of wine” Gillian says.  I gave her a tailor made eating plan and reminded her of the importance of being kind to herself!  “My favourite part was to treat myself once a week which I really loved and for me it was sitting down and watching “Revenge” over egg on toast for breakfast!! Within 3 weeks my energy levels where up and I started losing those extra pounds.  My husband also went on this healthier diet too”.

By Christmas 2013 Gillian joked to me that although she was really feeling healthy she was starting to get signs that was pregnant.  One or two (!!) tests later and to her utter shock, Gillian discovered she was pregnant.  She gave birth in 2014 to a beautiful, healthy little girl.  “I am convinced it was the change in diet and mind-set that made the difference! Thanks to Fiona, for being an amazing person!!”

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