Fiona Has Given Me My Life Back and Some!!!

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In 2010 i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I had not long had a baby, I thought the symptoms were down to exhaustion! Unfortunately I was wrong, I slowly got worse with the pain spreading to every part of my body and as you can imagine, trying to look after a new born as well as two other kids was a massive struggle. I researched a lot about the illness and tried every pill and potion and lotion I could, they took the edge off but I always felt tired, slurred, stiff, exhausted,

My life as i knew it, at 36, was over.  2 and a half years I hobbled around, struggling to get through each day. I came across Fiona’s Facebook Page while researching food intolerances and decided to give it a try,

I had nothing to lose, I made the appointment and took on board all the advice i was given, followed the Low GL diet and one month on, I’ve lost weight, my pain levels are below a 4 for the first time in 3 years, I’ve so much more energy and I’m sleeping at night, most importantly, I’m able to play with my baby girl, Fiona has given me my life back and some!!! I’m so looking forward to a pain free future and being able to do the things I never thought I would get to do again.  This lady is so passionate about her work and I would recommend her to anyone who is having pain issues or weight issues.  Health and Nutrition is a godsend, thank you so much!!”

– Lavina Gibson, Fibromyalgia client, Dublin