Hi Fiona, I just wanted to let you know how I’ve been getting on. It’s 4 weeks tomorrow since I attended your Food Intolerance Seminar, and was inspired to give up dairy to see if it might help my severe irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Well, basically – my IBS has pretty much gone. There was an immediate change in the first 48 hours, then nothing for the next week, but the last two weeks I’ve stopped taking IBS meds completely. I can’t describe how much it has changed my daily life. I was taking laxatives, colpermin, dulcolax, and buscopan in varying quantities depending on my changing symptoms EVERY DAY for the last three years.
I’m also so annoyed that I laboured for so long without any doctor saying ‘maybe it’s an intolerance’. I might miss ice cream in the summer, but otherwise I don’t think I’ll ever go back, the dairy industry is so cruel anyway that all in all I’m just so delighted I made the change. Fiona: you literally changed my life. Thank you. I’d have probably been taking laxatives for the rest of my life if it weren’t for you. X
Victoria – Food Intolerance Kildare
Learn more about food intolerance & the tests available here.